Board of Directors

Rachel Mandell
Vicepresidente y Abogado Principal, KBI BioPharma

Pam Edwards
Vicepresidente de LabCorp

Pam Edwards
Vicepresidente de LabCorp

Pam Edwards
Vicepresidente de LabCorp

Pam Edwards
Vicepresidente de LabCorp

Pam Edwards
Vicepresidente de LabCorp

Pam Edwards
Vicepresidente de LabCorp

Pam Edwards
Vicepresidente de LabCorp

Emily Chavez
Board Member
Durham Public Schools

Pam Edwards
Vicepresidente de LabCorp

Pam Edwards
Vicepresidente de LabCorp
Board Statement regarding racial equity
We believe that Black Lives Matter. We stand in support of racial equity and social justice.
We acknowledge that:
There have been historical injustices of structural and systemic racism
We need to be part of the movement for racial justice
There is a sense of urgency.
We commit to:
Take responsibility for our actions, including when we allow people to be mistreated
Educate ourselves on an individual basis and as Compass Center Board
Collect more data regarding who we serve and the needs of our community
Review our policies and look through a racial equity lens and seek to correct biases that we discover
Go outside our networks and work to increase board diversity
Reassess the Compass Center strategic plan
Support openness and honesty among the board so differences of opinion can be shared and heard
Be open to feedback and collaboration from staff, clients and volunteers
Create a culture of inclusion
Create measurable goals to hold ourselves accountable to these commitments.
We will advocate for:
Agencies and organizations with which we interact to demonstrate their efforts to improve racial equity and social justice
Clients who we may have underserved in the past by seeking to understand how to reach out to them or lower barriers to accessing our services
Each of our employees who have experienced inequity in their work with us or with agencies we interact with.
We will challenge ourselves to
Understand where we need to improve: our desire to correct injustice does not automatically mean we will be able to see it more clearly. We will need focus and assistance to create measurable improvements.
Learn effective ways to implement change in vision and practice
Open our conversations to a diverse range of voices.
Board of Directors